Why Allen’s Mill…What Makes Us Different?
We Don’t Just Talk the Talk, We Walk the Walk - On our family farm, we’ve been raising, growing, processing, and preserving our own food for many years, and we STILL ARE! We base everything we sell and recommend to you on what we have found works well for us. If it’s not tried and true, we don’t offer it to you.
We Concentrate on Protein – When it comes to stocking our pantry, we’ve found good, long lasting, light weight, space saving protein options to be the most difficult to find in today’s grocery store food options. Since we’ve found freeze dried meats to be the best solution for all these issues, that’s what we’re producing for you.
Raw or Basic as Much as We Can – We like to use the items in our pantry in our favorite recipes…in our comfort food. Most freeze-dried food options are already precooked and premixed into a ready to eat meal based on what someone else likes, not what we like. So, we’re helping you stock your pantry with proteins you can use in any of your favorite meals the way YOU want to use them.
Two Serving Size Packets – Most freeze-dried proteins you buy are in bulk which really limits them only to survival situations. When you open a 22 serving size container of bulk freeze-dried meat, you either eat it all, or you waste a large portion of it. By packaging our proteins in convenient 2 serving sizes, you can use them at any time for convenience, not just in emergencies. They’re not just an “insurance policy”, they’re a smart and affordable solution to having a functioning and useful pantry.
We Don’t Waste Your Money – Our pantry shelves are stocked with jars, cans, and mylar bags. They’re not fancy or pretty, but they’re safe, nutritious, and practical. That’s why we don’t waste your money on fancy packaging and “Free” items for marketing gimmicks. We want to give you the best food packaged in the highest quality materials at the lowest price we can…so every penny you spend goes into stocking your pantry, not decorating it.
Over 20 Years of Hands-On Disaster Recovery Experience – On our family farm in Tennessee, we’ve lived through and recovered from floods and tornados. We’ve also been onsite helping individuals and organizations recover from hurricanes, floods and tornados across the country for decades. We know first-hand the devastation these cause and what it takes to prepare for and survive them. We have hands-on experience in search and rescue, resupply, relocation, cleanup, and long-term support solutions. Serving and helping others is who we are to our core.
Peace of Mind and a Sense of Accomplishment – Our goal is not to get you prepared for a disaster, that’s just icing on the cake and is a result of the real goal. Our real goal is to get your prepared for EVERY DAY! We want you to have a pantry that supports you the way they have for EVERYONE THROUGHOUT HISTORY until about the 1940’s when refrigeration became common. This isn’t new, it isn’t edgy, it’s NECESSARY and the events of the last several years have proven it time and time again. There is a tremendous amount of satisfaction and peace that comes with knowing you and your family are READY! That’s something most people in our society today never get to experience because they’re dependent on our just-in-time food channels. Imagine sitting back calmly watching everyone else panic buying things you’re stocked up on in your pantry. All the while knowing you and your family are safe. THAT’s what we want for YOU!